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Product page: The place that convinces...

A product page is often the place where potential customers first come across your product and brand. Fast-loading, relevant content or simple navigation: all of this contributes to customer confidence in the product and the brand that offers it. Take a look at the key elements that create the basis of an ideal product page from a UX point of view.

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A link building strategy for e-commerc...

Link building is not only about the number of links that point to your website. It is primarily about their quality and relevance. And despite the fact that many people undervalue link building, our SEO & Link Building Consultant, Lukáš Bundzák, and took a look at why pushing it to the sidelines as part of an SEO strategy is not a good idea. Learn more about how to approach your link building strategy so that it can start to deliver results.

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The little things in a UX design that...

User Experience (UX) has long been nothing new. If a customer feels comfortable on your website, you’re not only selling your product; you’re also building a sense of satisfaction and trust in your brand. Nowadays, however, UX is gradually being intertwined with other branches of online marketing, such as SEO. Our consultant, Janka Polláková, told us how she approaches in-depth UX analyses and which errors she comes across most often on websites.

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A broad overview of European marketpla...

Fifty countries, almost thirty different currencies and two hundred languages – this is how Europe can be summed up simply in numbers. Europe offers hundreds of marketplaces, making navigation among them challenging. This is exactly what our extensive blog will help with, as we shed light on the most important European marketplaces available. We also bring an overview of the most popular online marketplaces in individual European countries.

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E-commerce Export magazine: Germany

Germans are the most complicated customers in the world according to many experts. Compared with other European countries, however, Germany can boast an above-average number of online customers. This country can be a challenge for exporting; therefore, the article presents all the important information you need to know before exporting there, from the biggest players in the German market through payment gateways to the country’s e-commerce trend.

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Payment gateways in Slovakia and abroa...

Up to 20% of customers may abandon their shopping cart if they do not find their favourite payment method among the payment options. Incorrectly selected or missing payment gateways can cause mistrust and doubts among customers, which is why we interviewed Jarmila Popaďáková – Payment Specialist at Muziker – who disclosed to us which payment gateways you should focus on and what to watch out for if you’re planning to expand.

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E-commerce Export magazine: Austria

A focus on ecological solutions, shopping especially via smartphones and the strong standing of international e-commerce companies. Austria is one of the main consumer markets in Europe, with a high standard of living and high purchasing power and a population that likes to order mainly from abroad. Are you planning to export to this progressive, ecologically minded country in Central Europe? In the next edition of our magazine, we focus on Austria.

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News from the world of e-commerce – th...

The next installment of our news from the world of e-commerce is here! Do you know what trends are currently driving the world of e-commerce in Europe? Do you want an overview of the most interesting movements on the market, investments or news in logistics? We agree that having information about the current situation in the field of e-commerce is exceptionally important, which is why we are bringing you the second part of our regular blogs about news in e-commerce. You can look forward to the most important numbers from Europe and the world for the second half of 2022.

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E-commerce Export magazine: Croatia

A growth rate double that of many Central European countries despite the much lower number of online stores – this is how we could start by summarising the Adriatic jewel of e-commerce – Croatia. Even though the customer base here is somewhat smaller than in other European countries, growing mobile penetration and trust in online shopping make Croatia an ideal country for exports. Sharpen your attention and think with us about the expansion to the south, particularly now, while entry costs to this market are still relatively low.

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E-commerce Export magazine: Romania

Forecasts of a favourable growth rate in the future, the fifth fastest Internet connection in the world and potential in almost every area of e-commerce. The Romanian market may seem moderately flooded at the moment, but it still offers many opportunities. Choose the largest country in the Balkans for your export, one that boasts, in addition to a unique space for growth, one of the highest levels of mobile phone penetration in the world. You’ll find all the important information you need to know before exporting to Romania in our blog.

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Are you ready for rocket growth?

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Choose person:

Matej Karaba

Long-term Impact & Business Consultant

Michal Lubelec

E-commerce Performance & Strategy Consultant

Marek Ďuračka

Business & Marketing Strategy Consultant

  • Matej Karaba

    Long-term Impact & Business Consultant

  • Michal Lubelec

    E-commerce Performance & Strategy Consultant

  • Marek Ďuračka

    Business & Marketing Strategy Consultant

Matej is Long-term Impact & Business Consultant and will help you with:

  • Coverage of the marketing mix potential
  • Long-term sustainability
  • Development of a business strategy
  • Creativity in technology
  • Managing IT projects
  • UX/UI and SEO

Michal is Consultant for E-commerce Analytics and Measurement and will help you with:

  • data and analytics settings
  • bidding and budget planning
  • campaign automation

Marek is Business & Marketing Strategy Consultant will help you with:

  • Social media
  • E-commerce Strategy
  • Developing Business Strategies
  • Performance Marketing
  • HR & Building of marketing team